Digital Signal Processing Simulation Based on Matrix-Vector description




DSP, simulation, time-domain


Even a small error in the design and implementation of a DSP algorithm can cause complete inoperability, finding and fixing these errors is laborious and time-consuming. Of course, the validation of the correct operation of a DSP algorithm must be confirmed by measurement. In case of a deviation, it is important to find the root of the problem, the simulation of the DSP algorithm is a reliable and efficient task which can be performed by a desktop computer running some mathematical program. The simulation – as an operation check – could be performed in the time domain, or in the frequency domain or in both. The system of equations describing the DSP algorithm can also be written in matrix-vector form, therefore these algorithms can be effectively simulated in the Matlab® environment.


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How to Cite

T. Wührl and S. Gyányi, “Digital Signal Processing Simulation Based on Matrix-Vector description”, Syst. Theor. Control Comput. J., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–8, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.52846/stccj.2024.4.1.58.
Received 2024-01-31
Accepted 2024-07-31
Published 2024-07-31