Conservation Laws -- a Source for Distortionless Propagation and Time Delays


  • Vladimir Rasvan Universitatea din Craiova



conservation laws, distortionless propagation, time delays


Since the very first paper of J. Bernoulli in 1728, a connection exists between initial boundary value problems for hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations (PDE) in the plane (with a single space coordinate accounting for wave propagation) and some associated Functional Equations (FE). From the point of view of dynamics and control (to be specific, of dynamics for control) both type of equations generate dynamical and controlled dynamical systems. The functional equations may be difference equations (in continuous time), delay-differential (mostly of neutral type) or even integral/integro-differential. It is possible to discuss dynamics and control either for PDE or FE since both may be viewed as self contained mathematical objects.

A more recent topic is control of systems displaying conservation laws. Conservation laws are described by  nonlinear hyperbolic PDE belonging to the class ``lossless'' (conservative); their dynamics and control theory is well served by the associated energy integral. It is however not without interest to discuss association of some FE. Lossless implies usually distortionless propagation hence one would expect here also lumped time delays.

The paper contains some illustrating applications from various fields: nuclear reactors with circulating fuel, canal flows control, overhead crane, drilling devices, without forgetting the standard classical example of the nonhomogeneous transmission lines for distortionless and lossless propagation. Specific features of the control models are discussed in connection with the control approach wherever it applies.


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How to Cite

V. Rasvan, “Conservation Laws -- a Source for Distortionless Propagation and Time Delays”, Syst. Theor. Control Comput. J., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1–11, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.52846/stccj.2021.1.2.12.
Received 2021-04-18
Accepted 2021-12-30
Published 2021-12-31