On the Nonlinear Observability of Polynomial Dynamical Systems


  • Daniel Gerbet Institute of Control Theory, TU Dresden
  • Klaus Röbenack Technische Universität Dresden




Nonlinear systems, observability, ideals, varieties


Controllability and observability are important system properties in control theory. These properties cannot be easily checked for general nonlinear systems. This paper addresses the local and global observability as well as the decomposition with respect to observability of polynomial dynamical systems embedded in a higher-dimensional state-space. These criteria are applied on some example system.


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How to Cite

D. Gerbet and K. Röbenack, “On the Nonlinear Observability of Polynomial Dynamical Systems”, Syst. Theor. Control Comput. J., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 88–94, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.52846/stccj.2021.1.1.15.
Received 2021-04-24
Accepted 2021-06-24
Published 2021-06-30